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The fascist and racist DIF

Posts 21 to 29 of 29


Mockingjay wrote:

I accept the excuse that David himself probably doesn't read the forum. Let's be honest, he's working his butt off with those videocasts, giving interviews, marathon lectures that require of course lots of preperation, writing books, etc. But his son surely must know and keep his dad informed about this. I'm not angry at him for not intervening, but I'm disappointed that he doesn't. All he woud need to do is post one message - either a ten minute video or a written post in which he states that he doesn't approve of that narrative. He (or his son) wouldn't even have to ban anyone, because such posters would lose a lot of their credibility and audience if he would do something like that.

That is what I think.  I thought he was going to do it in that last video I watched  but he never, he showed a lot of love and sympathy  for the disappointments coming  for those who liked Trump, Then  for those of us who do show love to our fellow man,  he ranted his arse off  called us fake, said a few are real but most are fake.   Well I know loads of people like me  and no one like he or Iamawave talk about .

That is when I just had to face the truth. DI knows who his followers are  and those people I used to block on FB for trying to tell me the truth about him were telling me the truth.

Now I would be one of those on his FB page saying  "I used to love DI but then see the real truth about him"    only I left his page his groups his forum .
I know many people have said to DI and GI that the DIF is going the wrong way. But nothing,  no announcement  saying they do not agree with the views of the far right.   nothing when those white suprematists on the forum say they are speaking for David .  As you know  when reading other forums, this has been brought up many many times.

Sometimes you have to see what isnt being said rather than what is.



"I know many people have said to DI and GI that the DIF is going the wrong way. But nothing,  no announcement  saying they do not agree with the views of the far right.   nothing when those white suprematists on the forum say they are speaking for David .  As you know  when reading other forums, this has been brought up many many times.

Sometimes you have to see what isnt being said rather than what is

That's it in a nutshell, Kizzie. Brilliant post!



Mockingjay wrote:

I still like David Icke. I think his narrative has been very consistent over the years. I also like the fact that he's been distancing himself from Alex Jones who's a complete sell-out, although I doubt that he had anything to sell when it comes to morals to begin with. This happens mostly through the comments of Richie Allen. But we all know that when Richie Allen speaks David Icke is talking. I'm much more disappointed in other "truthers" who argue "let's give Trump 100 days to see what he will do." Are you kidding me? Isn't it already obvious what he will do by the people he's appointing  alone?

As for DIF - I haven't been there in months. There have always been crazies on there. Some of them amusing, like the character with the "reptilian feet," and some not so amusing like the sexist/racist/fascist characters you're talking about. WhenI first joined it didn't bother me much since I had the option to ignore them and focus on conversing with you guys and girls. And there were also some inbetweenies with whom I would sometimes disagree, but at least you could converse with them. But now DIF looks almost like what I imagine the Infowars forum must look like. If I was David Icke I would just close it down.

Hi Mockingjay! It's great to see you here on the new forum 8-) I can understand that you still feel positive towards DI, though have to admit my perception of him has darkened a lot in recent times (since that Videocast Kizzie mentioned, actually) There were doubts leading up to that about his motivation, but the horrible expression on his face when he talked about 'Liberal Progressives' was what finally did it for me :O A friend who stepped down from DIF admin feels the same as you - this is someone who worked tirelessly for DIF's benefit over a long period of time. He loathes the way DIF has evolved, but (I guess) still sees David as a force for good. If only DI would come out and directly contradict the hateful message being put out by admin and FMs, those of us who now feel so disillusioned with him may be able to think again. The trouble is, that 'Liberal Progressive' jibe felt like a personal attack on us.



Hi there aster. Glad to see you in this neck of the woods. :) Yes, I understand perfectly why you guys feel the way that you do. It annoys me as well, but in the end it's only of secondary importance to me. It's all about the information for me, and much less about who supports what side, if that makes sense to you. Otherwise I would for example never be able to listen to Jim Marrs anymore who's ludicrously pro-Trump, as most people from (as Meria Heller calls it) Tex-ass probably are. But despite his politics he's also a great researcher. His political preference doesn't influence mine at all, but I still like to hear the information.



Mockingjay wrote:

I still like David Icke. I think his narrative has been very consistent over the years. I also like the fact that he's been distancing himself from Alex Jones who's a complete sell-out, although I doubt that he had anything to sell when it comes to morals to begin with. This happens mostly through the comments of Richie Allen. But we all know that when Richie Allen speaks David Icke is talking. I'm much more disappointed in other "truthers" who argue "let's give Trump 100 days to see what he will do." Are you kidding me? Isn't it already obvious what he will do by the people he's appointing  alone?

As for DIF - I haven't been there in months. There have always been crazies on there. Some of them amusing, like the character with the "reptilian feet," and some not so amusing like the sexist/racist/fascist characters you're talking about. WhenI first joined it didn't bother me much since I had the option to ignore them and focus on conversing with you guys and girls. And there were also some inbetweenies with whom I would sometimes disagree, but at least you could converse with them. But now DIF looks almost like what I imagine the Infowars forum must look like. If I was David Icke I would just close it down.

G'day mockingjay, It's been said that DI never wanted a forum in his name, after the debacle that was the first forum, where Harris was posting DI news letter's which were supposed to be paid for, Icke got the shit's, he got the shit's because he was losing money! He does look to the forum for info, lightgiver posted a PM to me about 8 years ago that everything he was posting, was coming up in DI headlines, lightgiver does a lot of research, and he was right, so that's a little insight into what really DI is about. It's like now DI has run out of idea's or should I say he see's an opportunity to jump on the right wing band wagon that is waving it's way across social media and has been doing for a long time, I've seen it coming, couldn't believe people would fall for this propaganda, don't they learn from history!?!

DI has alway's courted the right conservative view, a Tory you might say, using labels that the DIF uses, that DI now uses himself. If you're not right wing as long as you're not to far right, you're OK in DI's book's, but if you're a lefty, a bleeding heart liberal you're to be targeted for abuse, which is what DI is doing, make no mistake about it, see it for what it is, it's abuse from a man who has created a perception of himself as a pied piper of the disenfranchised of the economic machine that is crushing everyone except the super rich. The conspiracy is right in front of our faces, the gap between rich an poor, what ever conspiracy is behind it, the fact of the matter remains that the likes of Icke aren't getting the disenfranchised to do anything about it, to be a force that truly is heard by the so called sheeple and taken on board with them.........I dislike the word sheeple.....No, you wont get that from Icke, you'll get a lot of talk about Zionist and Israel and the latest is immigration, it's what everyone is talking about, it get's HIT'S.

DI will never close down the DIF, it's been a money spinner for awhile now and the creep is getting older and want's to spend all that money his made, so his going to pass it over to his son's, seen that move already with Garthe taking over the DIF.



Fudgetusk has lost the plot big time now, poor man - this thread is hilarious :D :

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Is David Icke God?

10:02 AM   #1
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Default Is David Icke God?
Icke took ayahuasca in the rainforests and was met by the infinite. She took him to a high level of existence and said that this was where he came from and where he would be going.
I know we are all gods but has David come from a higher level than us? Is he closer to Godliness than us? Do you regard him as God on earth?
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Unread 20-01-2017, 10:30 AM   #2
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Define a god.

A god can be whatever you define it as.

In human form this individual has to work hard, and in so doing he makes mistakes, and gets things wrong - like all humans.

That doesn't mean he isn't a god, but there is no way for us to know, and it really doesn't matter.

The good words Icke speaks could be spoken by anyone.

What matters is the truth of them, which is discernible whether or not someone claims they come from a god.
One who questions, and people should question everything, including what I say, is questioning in pursuit of the truth. A skeptic, their foundation from the start is that anything outside their pea-sized norm is not true. So their skepticism is not questioning if something is true it's setting out from the start to try to convince people it's not. - David Icke Videocast 11 March 2016
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Unread 20-01-2017, 10:41 AM   #3
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A god comes from a high vibration(higher than ours) and gives off purer energy. Hence he is used to transmit the truth vibrations. He is also unburdened by the hundreds of years of programming that enters our souls when we reincarnate. I think David is on his first and last incarnation. We are all gods but we are not as nearer the truth vibrationally as he is.



:crazyfun: fudge is an unconscious comedian, he really gets on gmp's goat so that's a bonus.



I just made what could very well be my last post at the DIF until he gets rid of or disowns the fascist posters there - Meria Heller style, in the unlikely event that that will ever happen. It was a pretty short post commenting on the womens marches of this past weekend. I won't be back to check out the replies, because I don't care and already know what they will be without looking anyway. I played the women vs men card especially to annoy the misogynists, although there's much truth in it as well.  :crazyfun:

"When you look past all the bullshit from Trump supporters than we had hundreds of thousands, if not millions of women taking to the streets in a march asking for equal rights. Not one car was set on fire, not one window broken, and not one arrest was made by an order follower. Imagine a march of that size by men. You can't put ten men together for a demonstration without there being riots of some kind.

So, much respect to you ladies. Keep it up. THIS is how it is done!"



Mockingjay wrote:

I just made what could very well be my last post at the DIF until he gets rid of or disowns the fascist posters there - Meria Heller style, in the unlikely event that that will ever happen. It was a pretty short post commenting on the womens marches of this past weekend. I won't be back to check out the replies, because I don't care and already know what they will be without looking anyway. I played the women vs men card especially to annoy the misogynists, although there's much truth in it as well.  :crazyfun:

"When you look past all the bullshit from Trump supporters than we had hundreds of thousands, if not millions of women taking to the streets in a march asking for equal rights. Not one car was set on fire, not one window broken, and not one arrest was made by an order follower. Imagine a march of that size by men. You can't put ten men together for a demonstration without there being riots of some kind.

So, much respect to you ladies. Keep it up. THIS is how it is done!"

LOL! Best post ever. That would have made most of the morons on there froth at the gills, and hyperventilate with rage. They really don't like women on that forum. A few of the very few women on there also don't seem to like women much either. DIF and truth - only if the truth is that women should be despised.


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