It looks like some organisation that campaigns against anti semitism has DI on their radar. Thread in Todays News by dannyuk, based on his headlines. Looks like DI himself is asking his followers to back him up. LOL!!! Just tell them to go to your forum DI.
David Icke and the Campaign Against Anti semitism
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Share317th Jan 2017 11:23 pm
In other news, German venues are shunning his shows.
Share418th Jan 2017 05:00 am
Did these people forget that Icke has already been taken to court over his antisemitism?
Did they forget Icke asking for donations to his court case? Thousands of dollars I believe. Warman sued him and Icke settled out of court as the last minute. So! All those donations went to Warman, the Jew Zionist human right's advocate.
They must of looked at DIF, It's stormfront's baby.
Share518th Jan 2017 07:47 am
It's BS. It would be great if there would be a watch group as powerful as the zionist ones that would focus on Islamophobia. The truth never has many friends though.
Share618th Jan 2017 12:12 pm
When i asked to be de-activated from DIF on the grounds of the hatred shown by DI in that infamous Videocast, Gareth Icke more-or-less said to me 'how dare you suggest my Dad and I are racists'. Now DI's whining and feeling aggrieved, because his dark side is under a much more public spotlight once again. Those of us who left or were pushed out, are effectively silenced on his own website and forums - but he has no control over the wider public perception of him and his motives. He has 'Waveofthesea', the most devious and manipulative of his FMs defending him on that thread. I wish someone could find out who he really is, he is the most influential and powerful figure on DIF - even ahead of the odious Mighty Zhiba. If DIF is Stormfront's baby, Waves is it's newly appointed Godfather.
I agree with Mockingjay, that it would be good to have a watchgroup to protect people against Islamophobia also. That is something which has been growing since 9/11, and deliberately fostered by our secret services who stitched up that group of young British Muslims for the atrocities of 7/7
BTW, it's great to have Rolling Thunder's historic insight into DI/DIF's murky past, having only joined DIF in 2012 much of it is news to me Seems like a lot of DI's work has come at the cost of sacrificing his integrity?
Share718th Jan 2017 12:18 pm
I used to think that DI was not a jew hater, I argued to that effect passionately on that hellhole of a forum. However, I'm not so sure now. He does not say: Jews are this or that, or Jews are the cause of every problem in the world etc. No he does not say that. He even regularly reminds people that anti semitism and anti zionism are two different things, which I completely agree with. What he fails to ever say is: People supporting me need to stop targeting jews, and writing anti-semitic things on my forum, or on any forum online, because I do not want to be associated with anti semitism, which is a vile practice.
Nope he does not say that because he would lose a lot of $ I suspect. It just so happens that his anti-jew supporters are also Trump supporters, and racists. And DI thinks that he can simply continue with the money-making, whilst pretending that he's NOT facilitating nazism, islamophobia, racism and everything else he claims to be against? Look at his headlines page and he, or some goon working for him, will post articles in favour and against Trump. So what does he stand for? Oh, he's impartial? So why the right wing twist to his work then? Why not welcome the left, the right, the middle, the everything?
I will not defend him anymore because I find his behaviour to be incongruent with the love and peace he trumpets about. Hating jews, muslims, blacks, foreigners, gays, women, immigrants and refugees is bullshit. ALL of it. However, on his forum, and on his facebook page, most of those groups are targeted. The offshoot FB forums are terrifying, thronging with white nazis. Yuck. They're so aggressive, will happily follow you around on FB, or attack you every time you post.
It's a bunch of redneck racist nazis expecting us to see everything through their ugly eyes. DI is happily boasting about being so successful right now, but what goes up, has to come down.
Share818th Jan 2017 12:21 pm
Here's another thread started by a key member of DI's racist/rightwing backing group, good to see jp77 taking a swipe at 'truth' ( ) seeker:
25-11-2016, 06:01 PM #1
truth seeker 09
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Likes: 888 (509 Posts) Norwegian leftists go full retard
Norwegian leftists SCREAM at the office of Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug, after she called them a bunch of whiners - which they had to prove.
Oslo, Nov. 23, 2016.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016
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25-11-2016, 06:21 PM #2
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________________________________________How is Norways gun laws?
25-11-2016, 07:26 PM #3
truth seeker 09
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I admit, they have good arguments.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016
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25-11-2016, 08:39 PM #4
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Those lefties REALLY ARE loonies.
The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. ||| The words that I type onto this forum are NOT my opinions, nor are they my beliefs, they are simply just words and letters on a screen ||| Any thread that I start is not really meant as a debate, it's really just a friendly discussion
25-11-2016, 08:46 PM #5
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Originally Posted by jake_ball
Those lefties REALLY ARE loonies.
They sound like my mrs on a good day...
Didn't anyone teach them you'll get nowhere by screaming....Unless you're a kid and want that fucking icecream of course
It has been said that there are three types of people:
1. Those who make things happen. 2. Those who watch things happen, and 3. Those who wonder what happened.
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26-11-2016, 07:29 AM #6
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Bit of primal scream therapy, good for your soul that shit.
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27-11-2016, 07:17 PM #7
truth seeker 09
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Originally Posted by redman
Bit of primal scream therapy, good for your soul that shit.
It's like catharsis.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016
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17-01-2017, 11:57 PM #8
truth seeker 09
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18-01-2017, 12:26 AM #9
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
You got something against 'lefties' 'truth seeker'?
God save the queen
The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future An England's dreaming
The Sex Pistols - 1977
18-01-2017, 12:29 AM #10
truth seeker 09
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Originally Posted by jp77
You got something against 'lefties' 'truth seeker'?
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016
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18-01-2017, 12:33 AM #11
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
Peace and love to all then, ay.?
What are you then? Centre or right 'truth seeker' ?
God save the queen
The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future An England's dreaming
The Sex Pistols - 1977
18-01-2017, 12:37 AM #12
truth seeker 09
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Originally Posted by jp77
Peace and love to all then, ay.?
What are you then? Centre or right 'truth seeker' ?
At least not a leftie.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016
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18-01-2017, 12:54 AM #13
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
At least not a leftie.
Superb answer.
Fancy calling anybody else retards, 'truth seeker'?
God save the queen
The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future An England's dreaming
The Sex Pistols - 1977
Last edited by jp77; 18-01-2017 at 12:57 AM.
18-01-2017, 12:59 AM #14
truth seeker 09
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Originally Posted by jp77
Superb answer.
Fancy calling anybody else retards, 'truth seeker'?
As fancy as calling right-wingers nazis.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016
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18-01-2017, 01:07 AM #15
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
as fancy as calling right-wingers nazis.
Share918th Jan 2017 12:28 pm
Here's another thread started by a key member of DI's racist/rightwing backing group, good to see jp77 taking a swipe at 'truth' (
) seeker:
25-11-2016, 06:01 PM #1
truth seeker 09
Senior MemberJoin Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 2,538
Likes: 888 (509 Posts) Norwegian leftists go full retard
Norwegian leftists SCREAM at the office of Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug, after she called them a bunch of whiners - which they had to prove.Oslo, Nov. 23, 2016.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
Likes: (2) decim, turquoisefire777
25-11-2016, 06:21 PM #2
Senior MemberJoin Date: Apr 2015
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________________________________________How is Norways gun laws?
25-11-2016, 07:26 PM #3truth seeker 09
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I admit, they have good arguments.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
25-11-2016, 08:39 PM #4jake_ball
Senior MemberJoin Date: Feb 2013
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Those lefties REALLY ARE loonies.
The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. ||| The words that I type onto this forum are NOT my opinions, nor are they my beliefs, they are simply just words and letters on a screen ||| Any thread that I start is not really meant as a debate, it's really just a friendly discussion
25-11-2016, 08:46 PM #5hister67
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Originally Posted by jake_ball
Those lefties REALLY ARE loonies.
They sound like my mrs on a good day...
Didn't anyone teach them you'll get nowhere by screaming....Unless you're a kid and want that fucking icecream of course
It has been said that there are three types of people:1. Those who make things happen. 2. Those who watch things happen, and 3. Those who wonder what happened.
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26-11-2016, 07:29 AM #6
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Bit of primal scream therapy, good for your soul that shit.
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27-11-2016, 07:17 PM #7truth seeker 09
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Originally Posted by redman
Bit of primal scream therapy, good for your soul that shit.
It's like catharsis.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
17-01-2017, 11:57 PM #8truth seeker 09
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UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
18-01-2017, 12:26 AM #9jp77
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
You got something against 'lefties' 'truth seeker'?
God save the queen
The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future An England's dreaming
The Sex Pistols - 1977
18-01-2017, 12:29 AM #10truth seeker 09
Senior MemberJoin Date: Feb 2009
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Originally Posted by jp77
You got something against 'lefties' 'truth seeker'?
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
18-01-2017, 12:33 AM #11jp77
Senior MemberJoin Date: Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
Peace and love to all then, ay.?What are you then? Centre or right 'truth seeker' ?
God save the queen
The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future An England's dreaming
The Sex Pistols - 1977
18-01-2017, 12:37 AM #12truth seeker 09
Senior MemberJoin Date: Feb 2009
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Originally Posted by jp77
Peace and love to all then, ay.?What are you then? Centre or right 'truth seeker' ?
At least not a leftie.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
18-01-2017, 12:54 AM #13jp77
Senior MemberJoin Date: Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
At least not a leftie.
Superb answer.Fancy calling anybody else retards, 'truth seeker'?
God save the queen
The fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the queen She ain't no human being There is no future An England's dreaming
The Sex Pistols - 1977
Last edited by jp77; 18-01-2017 at 12:57 AM.
18-01-2017, 12:59 AM #14truth seeker 09
Senior MemberJoin Date: Feb 2009
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Originally Posted by jp77
Superb answer.Fancy calling anybody else retards, 'truth seeker'?
As fancy as calling right-wingers nazis.
UFO contactee Alex Collier new interview in January 2016Follow Alex:
18-01-2017, 01:07 AM #15jp77
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Originally Posted by truth seeker 09
as fancy as calling right-wingers nazis.
LOL, the nazis are too scared to call themselves nazis. When is suits a nazi, they want to be PC and pussy. Lefties bad, nazis good. Jake Ball is the ultimate idiot. All these rabid, good for nothing, vacuous, uneducated assholes are the same. Hating lefties? LOL, but the nazis are good, and celebrated. LOL. Talk about deflection.
Why don't they call themselves nazi or right wing? Or even racist? Or just good old fashioned white supremacist? Why so coy? White supremacists portraying themselves as victims, that's straight out of Israeli policy. Same for the staged terror acts to give the western governments and spy agencies a reason to decimate the rest of the world.
Share1018th Jan 2017 12:30 pm
Did these people forget that Icke has already been taken to court over his antisemitism?
Did they forget Icke asking for donations to his court case? Thousands of dollars I believe. Warman sued him and Icke settled out of court as the last minute. So! All those donations went to Warman, the Jew Zionist human right's advocate.
They must of looked at DIF,
It's stormfront's baby.
He's clearly worried, and he should be. He wants to run with the wolves and hide with the deer, or however that brilliant saying goes. His own nazi followers will be his undoing.