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Exposing the post of the Neo NAZI's and the DIF.

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    Zorro's Avatar
    Fascist Dictator
    Posts: 7381
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The word ''haters'' for you lot is just code-word for somebody who speaks the truth outside of the Politically Correct animal farm. It's a meaningless word in that sense, and just a cheap tactic to try and silence the opinions of others. You know it, and so do most others. Including the mods over there. That's why they eventually got rid of a handful of you, it just became way too obvious what the game was.

You guys always made a bee-line towards attacking any members that weren't sufficiently beaten down by Political Correctness. Anybody for instance who had any Nationalist leanings you attacked, the same goes for anybody who questioned the official line re WWII, and so on and so forth. Basically anybody that wasn't a beaten down PC cabbage, you attacked and heckled. By design too. And you hid behind David Icke's ''infinite Love all else is illusion'' line to try and mask your own hatred.

I suspect you have an outside chance of being reinstated as a member over there now though, with the new anti-free speech laws the E.U are trying to push through and impose everywhere. I would imagine they could use another attack dog alongside paddy blake and vancity eagle. I mean at least next time around try and be a bit more subtle about it, ey, instead of coming across as a mad axe man in the woods towards anybody you disagree with.

Ironically it was your overly aggressive manner towards trying to thought police others that rang the alarm bells for many.. You really think shouting and yelling at other people is going to stop them from thinking for themselves. Think again, Sean, it actually had the opposite effect in most cases. That's basic human behavior.

Funny too how they also use exactly the same language and shtick as you guys use as ''justification'' of their new draconian anti-free speech laws. Not really, it's just further proof that all along you've been on board with the same program and agenda that they're trying to impose on the masses. Not that it wasn't already patently obvious before that.

Tyranny always masks itself behind a noble cause. That's exactly what you and the rest of the Politically Correct minions are doing, whether knowingly or otherwise. I suspect it's a bit of both, depending on the individual. Don't fool yourselves into thinking that increasing numbers of people can't see what you're doing though, and that those who can't quite see it yet aren't also waking up to it in ever increasing numbers. Hence why the Soviet E.U has to keep moving the goal posts to try and impose increasingly draconian anti-free speech laws... which in turn only serves to wake more people up to their tyranny in the long run.

There will always come a tipping point where tyranny drops it's own mask and doesn't care about it's image anymore. We're very nearly at that critical point and threshold in time...
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. – Marcus Aurelius

The word ''haters'' for you lot is just code-word for somebody who speaks the truth outside of the Politically Correct animal farm. It's a meaningless word in that sense, and just a cheap tactic to try and silence the opinions of others. You know it, and so do most others

How to spot a neo nazi Shill.

Hater's is a meaningless word to the Neo Nazi Resistance/Zorro/De Gothia world view, why because hate speaks the truth to this scum AND CALLING HIM/HER OUT ON HIS OWN UNCONSCIOUS BIAS ......damn caps lock...trigger's an overt emotional response to the exposing of his/her ego and deep seated view that has no empathetic consistency.



Rolling Thunder wrote:

    Zorro's Avatar
    Fascist Dictator
    Posts: 7381
    Likes received: 6582

    The word ''haters'' for you lot is just code-word for somebody who speaks the truth outside of the Politically Correct animal farm. It's a meaningless word in that sense, and just a cheap tactic to try and silence the opinions of others. You know it, and so do most others. Including the mods over there. That's why they eventually got rid of a handful of you, it just became way too obvious what the game was.

    You guys always made a bee-line towards attacking any members that weren't sufficiently beaten down by Political Correctness. Anybody for instance who had any Nationalist leanings you attacked, the same goes for anybody who questioned the official line re WWII, and so on and so forth. Basically anybody that wasn't a beaten down PC cabbage, you attacked and heckled. By design too. And you hid behind David Icke's ''infinite Love all else is illusion'' line to try and mask your own hatred.

    I suspect you have an outside chance of being reinstated as a member over there now though, with the new anti-free speech laws the E.U are trying to push through and impose everywhere. I would imagine they could use another attack dog alongside paddy blake and vancity eagle. I mean at least next time around try and be a bit more subtle about it, ey, instead of coming across as a mad axe man in the woods towards anybody you disagree with.

    Ironically it was your overly aggressive manner towards trying to thought police others that rang the alarm bells for many.. You really think shouting and yelling at other people is going to stop them from thinking for themselves. Think again, Sean, it actually had the opposite effect in most cases. That's basic human behavior.

    Funny too how they also use exactly the same language and shtick as you guys use as ''justification'' of their new draconian anti-free speech laws. Not really, it's just further proof that all along you've been on board with the same program and agenda that they're trying to impose on the masses. Not that it wasn't already patently obvious before that.

    Tyranny always masks itself behind a noble cause. That's exactly what you and the rest of the Politically Correct minions are doing, whether knowingly or otherwise. I suspect it's a bit of both, depending on the individual. Don't fool yourselves into thinking that increasing numbers of people can't see what you're doing though, and that those who can't quite see it yet aren't also waking up to it in ever increasing numbers. Hence why the Soviet E.U has to keep moving the goal posts to try and impose increasingly draconian anti-free speech laws... which in turn only serves to wake more people up to their tyranny in the long run.

    There will always come a tipping point where tyranny drops it's own mask and doesn't care about it's image anymore. We're very nearly at that critical point and threshold in time...
    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. – Marcus Aurelius

    The word ''haters'' for you lot is just code-word for somebody who speaks the truth outside of the Politically Correct animal farm. It's a meaningless word in that sense, and just a cheap tactic to try and silence the opinions of others. You know it, and so do most others

How to spot a neo nazi Shill.

Hater's is a meaningless word to the Neo Nazi Resistance/Zorro/De Gothia world view, why because hate speaks the truth to this scum AND CALLING HIM/HER OUT ON HIS OWN UNCONSCIOUS BIAS ......damn caps lock...trigger's an overt emotional response to the exposing of his/her ego and deep seated view that has no empathetic consistency.

What a load of shit. I hope that Sean told him where to go. Zero/Wesistance/DeGoat is the biggest moron yet. Oh look I insulted him, must mean I'm a progressive, a woman, not white, not male, gay, pro-rape, pro-refugee, anti-white, and a nazi myself. Yup, that's the sum of the argument. Sling mud, and keep doing it. Except that him being a moron isn't really an opinion, it's more of a fact. :D

He just writes reams and reams of shit. What he can say in ten words, he needs a thousand for. But I think in nazi circles, that's really impressive? In the real world, that's called being verbose.

Their nazi argument goes like this:

Nazi claiming not to be a nazi: Europe is for whites only. White is right, white is might. All other races are useless. Only whites have a purpose, they can rule the world, and should do. It's not fair that there is affirmative action or any policy that gives any other race a piece of the pie. It is better that we go back to full on colonial style white supremacy.

Nazi Opposer: That's the most racist crap I've ever heard. You see everything through your nazi, white supremacist lens. Why should we not have refugees here? If we're going to ruin their countries, why shouldn't they come here? When are we going to rebuild their countries? Surely if we did that, then we can send them home, and everyone will be happy? What's wrong with that? Why do you need to be racist and hold nazi supremacist views?

Nazi claiming not to be a nazi: You liberals, snowflakes, SJWs, bleeding hearts and NWO sellouts don't have a fucking clue. You go on and on about the refugees, immigrants. Why don't you defend whites? Are you the racists? Why don't you care when whites have and pay tax? It's soooooooooooooo unfair! Why don't you care when whites are not allowed to use the word 'n*****r' but blacks can? Why do whites have to be politically correct? Why do whites have to give a shit about the other races? They don't care about us! Why do we have to tolerate immigrants in Europe? This is not the home for savages from foreign lands. This is a place for us lovely, sweet, kind, gentle, really caring Trump fanatics!

Nazi Opposer: Oh puhlease, don't make me laugh. You can't undo the past, you can't undo the present. You can however do the right thing. If we rebuild people's countries, and stop fucking everyone up, then nobody would need to flee. Nobody would need to come here. WTF is Trump going to do for you? He's a bankrupt, immoral, uneducated, ignorant and racist moron. You think that him pissing off Mexico is a good move? You think that the USA can live like an island? We're talking about one of the most hated regimes in the world, a regime that just happens to be exerting brute force globally, along with its fellow allies. You think that Trump being a twat is building bridges?

Nazi claiming not to be a nazi: Get used to it, Trump is POTUS. If you don't like it, too bad. You SJWs just whine and complain, cry about democracy all day long. Hillary is a monster, but Trump is a nice guy. Stop feeding us your humanitarian NWO bullshit, we see through it. You don't care about those people, you care about destroying Europe and the once greater than great USA.

etc. etc.



Also, maybe the little shit is upset that after seizing the forum, it's dying. Hahahahahahahahahahah!!! Blame everyone else, just never the nazi whackjobs.



Hi all.

IMO these are all white nationalist/ Nazi or at least Nazi sympathizers on DIF


Then we have all the "Alt Right" sympatizers which are not as bad but still follow much of the same propaganda

jake ball



VE wrote:

Hi all.

IMO these are all white nationalist/ Nazi or at least Nazi sympathizers on DIF


Then we have all the "Alt Right" sympatizers which are not as bad but still follow much of the same propaganda

jake ball

I tend to just regard them as one and the same though, it's easier for me. :D I don't know that they are very different? I think that alt-right is a term that rebrands the old far right/nazi group? I never saw the latter grouping oppose the bullshit vomited by the former one. Well grandmasterpee likes to split hairs so he can look clever, but in reality, is a thicko and prejudiced twat. He's also a zionist, sigh. Loves that dude Alex Brummer, a tit who writes for the Daily Mail here. The DM is basically a nazi-lite paper/tabloid. It's always got a lot to say against races that are not white, labour and other groups. It's a tory-advertising rag. Brummer is/was vice president of the Board of Directors for British Jews. He thrives on conflating zionism with judaism, and criticisms against Israel are usually labelled as anti-semitism. If he and the establishment insist on conflating zionism with judaism, then some ignorant people will definitely believe that hating jews and judaism is the aim. Sigh. No, Israel also has a large muslim arab population, not just a jewish one, and millions of jews despise Israel, or the idea of a forced state of Israel.

How do you see the two groups as differing, VE? Just asking, not arguing! :D :D



mayjen wrote:

How do you see the two groups as differing, VE? Just asking, not arguing! :D :D

The two can be hard to tell the difference at times but I would say the actual White nationalists have an explicit racial agenda, whereas the more mainstream Alt right guys may have more general concerns like "opposing globalism" or opposing some aspects of proggresive agendas.

White nationalists are a major element of the Alt Right, but I think the Alt Right is a wide range of people with often differing views.

Some ALt right are anti-semetic

other ALt right are Zionist

some alt right are openly racist and hostile to other races

some aren't

The thing that generally ties all alt right together is that they are anti-leftist, anti-progressive, and they fear that Western Civilization is under threat from one of the following, or all of the following

Non whites
Career politicians (which are usually leftist politicians but they attack some conservative ones as well)

The problem with the ALt right is that it is an elite controlled movement masking as "Anti Establishment" and that they are looking at some correct symptoms but making a completely wrong diagnosis of the problem. They serve to run cover for the Corporate Fascists while blaming everything on Liberals.

It really is a joke.

Last edited by VE (5th Mar 2017 04:46 pm)



VE wrote:

mayjen wrote:

    How do you see the two groups as differing, VE? Just asking, not arguing! :D :D

The two can be hard to tell the difference at times but I would say the actual White nationalists have an explicit racial agenda, whereas the more mainstream Alt right guys may have more general concerns like "opposing globalism" or opposing some aspects of proggresive agendas.

White nationalists are a major element of the Alt Right, but I think the Alt Right is a wide range of people with often differing views.

Some ALt right are anti-semetic

other ALt right are Zionist

some alt right are openly racist and hostile to other races

some aren't

The thing that generally ties all alt right together is that they are anti-leftist, anti-progressive, and they fear that Western Civilization is under threat from one of the following, or all of the following

Non whites
Career politicians (which are usually leftist politicians but they attack some conservative ones as well)

The problem with the ALt right is that it is an elite controlled movement masking as "Anti Establishment" and that they are looking at some correct symptoms but making a completely wrong diagnosis of the problem. They serve to run cover for the Corporate Fascists while blaming everything on Liberals.

It really is a joke.

Last edited by VE (Today 04:46 pm)

The thing that strikes me is how they band together i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don't do that. I know plenty of 'liberals' and 'lefties' who make me want to vomit at them. LOL, I tend to have a long list of criteria. Ages ago, I was friends with someone on facebook, she was definitely anti-fascist and anti-racist. On the other hand she was hugely pro-vaccines, pro all the NWO tech. LOL!  She thought that anyone who was anti-vaxx was a nutcase, and I thought the same of her. It happened with another woman as well. That one was even worse. She claimed a few of her male relatives were neurosurgeons, so if they didn't oppose vaccines, seeing as they're so, why would she or anyone else? I can't bear pro-vaxx nutters....whether they are anti-fascist/racist or not. There used to be a guy who used to always question any anti-vaxx posts I made, and I used to debate...but he remained unconvinced, as did I.  Similarly I used to be friends with loads of male FB users who were fierce pro-Palestine supporters etc. Except that in recent years it turned out that many of them were really more anti-jew. So they were not so much pro-Palestine, as they were anti-jew. In other words if the oppressors of Palestinians were white, Russian, or Japanese for example, they'd probably not be too bothered.

The other thing is that these right wing goons all claim that all opponents of their ugliness i.e. 'lefties, liberals, SJWs, progressives, fake lefts, snowflakes' etc., are working for the government. According to them, ALL blacks, whites, asians and mixed race people etc. who are involved in the BLM movement, are all government agent. So how is it that I support the idea that BLM, but I'm not employed by the government, or Soros? Or am I lying?

Basically everything that they are, they project onto everyone else.



mayjen wrote:

VE wrote:

    mayjen wrote:

        How do you see the two groups as differing, VE? Just asking, not arguing! :D :D

    The two can be hard to tell the difference at times but I would say the actual White nationalists have an explicit racial agenda, whereas the more mainstream Alt right guys may have more general concerns like "opposing globalism" or opposing some aspects of proggresive agendas.

    White nationalists are a major element of the Alt Right, but I think the Alt Right is a wide range of people with often differing views.

    Some ALt right are anti-semetic

    other ALt right are Zionist

    some alt right are openly racist and hostile to other races

    some aren't

    The thing that generally ties all alt right together is that they are anti-leftist, anti-progressive, and they fear that Western Civilization is under threat from one of the following, or all of the following

    Non whites
    Career politicians (which are usually leftist politicians but they attack some conservative ones as well)

    The problem with the ALt right is that it is an elite controlled movement masking as "Anti Establishment" and that they are looking at some correct symptoms but making a completely wrong diagnosis of the problem. They serve to run cover for the Corporate Fascists while blaming everything on Liberals.

    It really is a joke.

    Last edited by VE (Today 04:46 pm)

The thing that strikes me is how they band together i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don't do that. I know plenty of 'liberals' and 'lefties' who make me want to vomit at them. LOL, I tend to have a long list of criteria. Ages ago, I was friends with someone on facebook, she was definitely anti-fascist and anti-racist. On the other hand she was hugely pro-vaccines, pro all the NWO tech. LOL!  She thought that anyone who was anti-vaxx was a nutcase, and I thought the same of her. It happened with another woman as well. That one was even worse. She claimed a few of her male relatives were neurosurgeons, so if they didn't oppose vaccines, seeing as they're so, why would she or anyone else? I can't bear pro-vaxx nutters....whether they are anti-fascist/racist or not. There used to be a guy who used to always question any anti-vaxx posts I made, and I used to debate...but he remained unconvinced, as did I.  Similarly I used to be friends with loads of male FB users who were fierce pro-Palestine supporters etc. Except that in recent years it turned out that many of them were really more anti-jew. So they were not so much pro-Palestine, as they were anti-jew. In other words if the oppressors of Palestinians were white, Russian, or Japanese for example, they'd probably not be too bothered.

The other thing is that these right wing goons all claim that all opponents of their ugliness i.e. 'lefties, liberals, SJWs, progressives, fake lefts, snowflakes' etc., are working for the government. According to them, ALL blacks, whites, asians and mixed race people etc. who are involved in the BLM movement, are all government agent. So how is it that I support the idea that BLM, but I'm not employed by the government, or Soros? Or am I lying?

Basically everything that they are, they project onto everyone else.

they definately project everything that they are onto their opposition. THis is what I notice the most about them.

They need an easy soundbite to dismiss any fact based arguments.  So they just use any one of their buzzwords used to delegitimize our arguments.

Of course they love to pin everything on George Soros.

They literally think Soros is going around trying to conspire to destroy "the west" all by himself and that nobody can do anything to stop him. Its the most ridiculous argument.

Also Soros does finance pro-Palestinian groups.

Going by the logic of the ALt right, we should then be supporting Israel.  :D

Soros is involved in trying to bring down other nations via color revolution, however domestically his game seems to be to back fascist opposition groups in order to give the fascists the opposition that they need in order for them to bring in their police state.

It certainly isn't to "bring America down" like the Alt right would have you believe.



Oh I think we missed out the following from the list of right wing nutters:

granny27 - she loathed my guts, and she's pretty vile. In love with Nigel Farage himself. Likes gollywogs.

John White - basically granny27 in a pair of long johns with a stetson on his head too. No, he's not American, just a turd with a serious right wing problem.

aronia - deranged and dangerous, hates muslims with a passion, wants a white Europe, white everything

bluefire - could be a teenager with a severe case of stroppiness. Thinks that degenerate white supremacist Varg Vikernes a hero...he's a murderer and arsonist!

gremlin - not so active now after his tail was docked by the wankers running the show. he thought he was one of them, LOL, Zhiba hated his guts. But his thread history speaks for itself.

jikwan - just awful, and drinks his piss. No for real. Check his posts.

wendypeace - fresh from Uranus, and full of alien crap. She's a hateful and malicious weirdo.

rogue - took this creep a while to start really getting into his/her agenda, but yeah, they're not keen on the majority of the world population, much like the rest of these twats.

Qwuntybolo and Truegroup are just the biggest trolls ever. I assume they are also right wingers, as they never argue against the aforementioned lot of worms, but do instead troll other members and stick to 100% mainstream 'science'. Zero-Iba is another one who does this...thinks that 'science' is the answer. :D He's such a thicko. At the same time, have a look at his old posts under his Merlincove account, and see him droning on about astral projection, crystal healing etc. Yeah, same dude. Check his earlier posts under his The Mighty Zhiba name, and it's the same old shit. Which part of science is that from? So basically, when it suits Zhiba, science outweighs another person's beliefs or ideas. But the rest of the time his beliefs and ideas outweigh science.



mayjen wrote:

Oh I think we missed out the following from the list of right wing nutters:

granny27 - she loathed my guts, and she's pretty vile. In love with Nigel Farage himself. Likes gollywogs.

John White - basically granny27 in a pair of long johns with a stetson on his head too. No, he's not American, just a turd with a serious right wing problem.

aronia - deranged and dangerous, hates muslims with a passion, wants a white Europe, white everything

bluefire - could be a teenager with a severe case of stroppiness. Thinks that degenerate white supremacist Varg Vikernes a hero...he's a murderer and arsonist!

gremlin - not so active now after his tail was docked by the wankers running the show. he thought he was one of them, LOL, Zhiba hated his guts. But his thread history speaks for itself.

jikwan - just awful, and drinks his piss. No for real. Check his posts.

wendypeace - fresh from Uranus, and full of alien crap. She's a hateful and malicious weirdo.

rogue - took this creep a while to start really getting into his/her agenda, but yeah, they're not keen on the majority of the world population, much like the rest of these twats.

Qwuntybolo and Truegroup are just the biggest trolls ever. I assume they are also right wingers, as they never argue against the aforementioned lot of worms, but do instead troll other members and stick to 100% mainstream 'science'. Zero-Iba is another one who does this...thinks that 'science' is the answer. :D He's such a thicko. At the same time, have a look at his old posts under his Merlincove account, and see him droning on about astral projection, crystal healing etc. Yeah, same dude. Check his earlier posts under his The Mighty Zhiba name, and it's the same old shit. Which part of science is that from? So basically, when it suits Zhiba, science outweighs another person's beliefs or ideas. But the rest of the time his beliefs and ideas outweigh science.

There was a member who was around since 2015 but didn't have much of a posting record,  that member has started to post a lot now and his name is


This person continued to target me in a number of Trump threads, and kept calling me a Marxist. For a while it seemed he was only around to attack me and bitch about so called "marxists" destroying the West.

I have a suspicion that Mranderson is indeed Iamwaveofthesea.

Their posting style is very similar.

My theory is that the same person wanted to use his Iamwave account to be a little more measured, reasonable, and engage in dialogue, then use the Mranderson account to attack me and be more aggresive overall.

Iamwave in my opinion is a deceptive shill who pretends at times to be reasonable and can engage in useful debate at times, he seems to understand things at times, but then will always go back to promoting his subtle white nationalist agenda.

He also pops up everywhere to counter my narrative when I expose Trump and the Alt right movement.


You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » Exposing the post of the Neo NAZI's and the DIF.