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Stormfront and DI

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Stormfront has mentioned Dick many times in the past. But very recently, someone was dipping his toe in the water. Pointy white hats at the ready!

They think he's "one of us" i.e. one of their nazi brotherhood. Yeah, I think his allegiances go that way too. He's a confused man. I must have been high all the years I bothered to defend this man, and think highly of him. His left hand doesn't know what his right hand is doing.



The same idiot has been trying to recruit for DI for some time, it would seem. From April last year...



The same moron is going all out to portray poor ickle DI as a victim. How dare Germany not want a right winger in their country?

Had DI been Ken O' Keefe, I would be against Germany's actions. As it's DI, the man sewing and hosting nazism and racism, then it's good. He loves being a victim, it's his profession.



I wonder if that's Gareth drumming up support? :playful:

No doubt the DIF will get a few who aren't as fucked up as the stormfront lardheads, which TZ will recruit. :D


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