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What do you see when you watch this video.. The charity  says the boy was attacking the cat with the dog.. Looks to me like he was trying to stop it.

You? … -1-8332770



Kizzie wrote:

What do you see when you watch this video.. The charity  says the boy was attacking the cat with the dog.. Looks to me like he was trying to stop it.

You? … -1-8332770

Sadly I think he was violent in how he tried to stop them. I don't think that's a good way to stop any fight? Why was he kicking them? It's very hard to get cats to stop fighting! But I couldn't ever kick them or fling them around. I would maybe try yelling, or get a bucket of cold water. This is a case of the end not justifying the means? I'd be furious if anyone kicked my pets, or threw them around. Still, the cats would have been releasing tons of adrenaline, they would have felt the pain of it all later. He seems young, he went with his instincts. Wrong actions though. It looks awful.

I once confronted two cats who were challenging each other. You know, the horrible sound like a baby crying and growling, hunched down, eyes like saucers, glaring at each other. I got very close, but lost my nerve. They were just so ..... focused on their potential fight. I fled.  :blush:

Edit: I've watched it a few times, see post below. Change of mind.



No wait, I watched it again. Shudder.

I thought it was two cats. Wow, it's a dog. The black shape is a dog. He DID actually attack the cat. When the cat tried to fly up that fence, but failed, the dog jumped onto it, attacking it. The guy then lays into the CAT. Any sane person would have got hold of the bloody dog. That's what I would do. Who goes after a cat?? Dogs are much easier to handle. He appeared to be trying to stamp on the cat with his bicycle wheel. I've watched it about three times now, and finally worked out what he's doing. See the bit when the cat tries to climb that fence and the dog goes after it. He was vicious to the cat, his dog is untrained, unsocialised and went after the cat. This is almost normal for some morons who own dogs, they seem to think that it's a must, for cats and dogs to hate each other. The fact that his dog went after the cat, says that he's an irresponsible or ignorant owner imo. My dogs don't chase cats, they are not allowed to chase any mammals. Bugs yes e.g. flies, butterflies(which they can never catch as they fly unpredictably, crickets, ants). Mammals, no. We have some wankers who bring their dogs to the woods where we live, and their dogs are so badly behaved/untrained, the owners are such morons, that the dogs have killed deer including pregnant female deer. Their dogs kill rabbits and everything else they can get, and their dogs loathe cats. Sigh. One of their dogs killed some of the wild geese as well. This is totally not on. Why have pets then? Might as well just live in the jungle...I'm in rant mode now, sorry. Having a delayed reaction of fury.  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:

He should be caught, his dog needs rehabilitation, and a decent owner, and he needs to spend some time being hit very hard in the face with a bicycle wheel, maybe someone needs to fling him a few yards because they can!



Thats pretty disgusting and hard to watch. My perception of it is that the so called man makes a feeble attempt at breaking it up but at the same time dishes out more violence towards the cat, as if it's the dogs the victim.

Your right mayjen, that dog need's re training as well as it's owner ( and those so called human's in the woods ) and that so called man needs to do community work at a cat shelter or 6 month's hard labor and I mean hard labor, fuck him!



Rolling Thunder wrote:

Thats pretty disgusting and hard to watch. My perception of it is that the so called man makes a feeble attempt at breaking it up but at the same time dishes out more violence towards the cat, as if it's the dogs the victim.

Your right mayjen, that dog need's re training as well as it's owner  and those so called human's in the woods  and that so called man needs to do community work at a cat shelter or 6 month's hard labor and I mean hard labor, fuck him!

That motherfucking coward can't even put his dog on a leash. Such a moron. We met someone recently who had an issue with putting her dog on the leash. I asked her to as her dog was charging mine. She gave me a filthy look, big sigh, then used her SCARF to loop it through his collar and drag him past us. I mean drag him, he was chuffing like a steam train, full of bluster and nerves, while my dogs watched in amazement. Haha. I can't stand when people can't control their dogs, and expect other people to humour them. I thought it was normal to NOT want fights and aggression between dogs while out? I hope that guy gets a real punishment. He's without empathy, just another fuckwit who thinks he can treat animals as he wishes. I've met a lot of dog owners who loathe cats, or, their dogs have been encouraged or left to chase cats all the time, and they think it's hilarious that their dog is so unbalanced. The cat was running away from that insane dog as well. Poor cat.


You are here » Summer Is Coming » Health, Flippancy, Fun, Everything Else » Perception?