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You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » David Icke and the Campaign Against Anti semitism

David Icke and the Campaign Against Anti semitism

Posts 21 to 24 of 24


Keeping people in the negative is what DI Inc is all about. To them it's the only way to capture the market of waking people up to the overt control of corporate fascism.

Once his got you in his marketing campaign then to offer lot's of solutions, both personal and on a world level would mean you he would loose you out of the fold....His income, and you wouldn't be talking to other people who see the world and life, as a glass half full.

You've got have an outlet for anger and hate at the Establishment, the divide between rich and poor, and Icke Inc has the solution.

I despise the corporate fascism, Icke gives it a passing glance.



peabs wrote:

IMO, D.Icke knows exactly what's going down on his forum even if it's just second hand info.

It would be very unusual for someone who has a forum with their name heading it to not show some sort of interest in it, it's one way for him to build a picture of where his followers heads are at. Maybe his son or the Mighty man of many names keep him informed.

I completely agree. DI is fully aware. If he wasn't then he's not worthy of my respect. If I had a forum named after me, I'd know exactly what was happening on there. Maybe not minute by minute accounts, but definitely be aware of major changes.

I am going to make a new thread about the latest events on there, unless of course one of you lovelies have beat me to it. Their forum is dying, so sad...not. Why can't the nazi types on there sustain it? Probably because the rest of the nazi clan of the world have a different forum where they all gel, and don't need to go to the pathetic DIF.



Rolling Thunder wrote:

Keeping people in the negative is what DI Inc is all about. To them it's the only way to capture the market of waking people up to the overt control of corporate fascism.

Once his got you in his marketing campaign then to offer lot's of solutions, both personal and on a world level would mean you he would loose you out of the fold....His income, and you wouldn't be talking to other people who see the world and life, as a glass half full.

You've got have an outlet for anger and hate at the Establishment, the divide between rich and poor, and Icke Inc has the solution.

I despise the corporate fascism, Icke gives it a passing glance.

Yes...that's it in a nutshell.

Icke is now faced with the fact that he is selling loads of tickets to gullible people, as I was, whilst simultaneously, his ancient forum is dying. The forum may not be a big deal at all, although wicking people's money slowly slowly, must please him. How many talks can he give? Germany doesn't want him there. :D :D :D He's enlisting his fans to complain to them, and to force them to let him in. Why doesn't he just do a podcast and charge people for it? He can really only do all those countries which speak English as a first or second/third language...and he's done many of them already. Not sure he can do Asia, Africa, South America etc.



Well Icke can go fuck himself, cause if he is coming to OZ, I'll made a complaint to the relevant authorities. I'll make a call to the 'Progressives Lefties' here. :D


You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » David Icke and the Campaign Against Anti semitism