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You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » David Icke and the Campaign Against Anti semitism

David Icke and the Campaign Against Anti semitism

Posts 11 to 20 of 24


mayjen wrote:

Rolling Thunder wrote:

    Did these people forget that Icke has already been taken to court over his antisemitism?

    Did they forget Icke asking for donations to his court case? Thousands of dollars I believe. Warman sued him and Icke settled out of court as the last minute. So! All those donations went to Warman, the Jew Zionist human right's advocate.

    They must of looked at DIF,  :D It's stormfront's baby.

He's clearly worried, and he should be. He wants to run with the wolves and hide with the deer, or however that brilliant saying goes. His own nazi followers will be his undoing.

Well said Mayjen. Prophetic words there, he and that pathetic dickhead Gareth can't say they weren't warned ;)



mayjen wrote:

Rolling Thunder wrote:Did these people forget that Icke has already been taken to court over his antisemitism?
            Did they forget Icke asking for donations to his court case? Thousands of dollars I believe. Warman sued him and Icke settled out of court as the last minute. So! All those donations went to Warman, the Jew Zionist human right's advocate.
            They must of looked at DIF,   It's stormfront's baby.
            He's clearly worried, and he should be. He wants to run with the wolves and hide with the deer, or however that brilliant saying goes. His own nazi followers will be his undoing.

I don't think he's worried about that cancelled engagement in Germany. If anything, it's good publicity for him to be rejected by the system. It's a bit like with the Sex Pistols. The more of their gigs were cancelled, the more popular they got. I still don't see David as a hater of Jews. I do however regard it as a blunder on his part to give real Jew haters, racists, sexists and fascists free reign at the DIF. And the way he's having a go at progressives feels like a stab in the back to a significant part of his following. If he thinks we misunderstand that part he should at least explain himself. If he doesn't real soon we can only conclude that we didn't misunderstand.



Mockingjay wrote:

mayjen wrote:

    Rolling Thunder wrote:Did these people forget that Icke has already been taken to court over his antisemitism?
                Did they forget Icke asking for donations to his court case? Thousands of dollars I believe. Warman sued him and Icke settled out of court as the last minute. So! All those donations went to Warman, the Jew Zionist human right's advocate.
                They must of looked at DIF,   It's stormfront's baby.
                He's clearly worried, and he should be. He wants to run with the wolves and hide with the deer, or however that brilliant saying goes. His own nazi followers will be his undoing.

I don't think he's worried about that cancelled engagement in Germany. If anything, it's good publicity for him to be rejected by the system. It's a bit like with the Sex Pistols
. The more of their gigs were cancelled, the more popular they got. I still don't see David as a hater of Jews. I do however regard it as a blunder on his part to give real Jew haters, racists, sexists and fascists free reign at the DIF. And the way he's having a go at progressives feels like a stab in the back to a significant part of his following. If he thinks we misunderstand that part he should at least explain himself. If he doesn't real soon we can only conclude that we didn't misunderstand.

Couldn't agree more with that Mockingjay, as the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity. I still can't get past the idea that Icke doesn't look at the DIF, over all these years and the shit that's gone on you'd think he would have taken a day out of his time to read through the forums sub section's and get a feel for what is being promoted on his forum, he might be relying on Big G to fill him in now but that's still no excuse and as it turn's out his right in there with their views of the progressives of the DIF, as long as there not 'lefties'.  The same go's for the antisemitism and general xenophobia, passing off the Jew hate with the word Zionist is what the DIF does as it's, imo what Icke accept's as free speech as long as it doesn't turn into out right hatred, notice that the Neo nazi's on there always equate zionist with jew, especially when one is in power, the 'Planned destruction of Europe' according to the Neo Nazi's is orchestrated by a Japanese Jew, lol, sound ludicrous when you say it out loud, he has had this on his headline page, which he does.



mayjen wrote:

I used to think that DI was not a jew hater, I argued to that effect passionately on that hellhole of a forum. However, I'm not so sure now. He does not say: Jews are this or that, or Jews are the cause of every problem in the world etc. No he does not say that. He even regularly reminds people that  anti semitism and anti zionism are two different things, which I completely agree with. What he fails to ever say is: People supporting me need to stop targeting jews, and writing anti-semitic things on my forum, or on any forum online, because I do not want to be associated with anti semitism, which is a vile practice.

Nope he does not say that because he would lose a lot of $ I suspect. It just so happens that his anti-jew supporters are also Trump supporters, and racists. And DI thinks that he can simply continue with the money-making, whilst pretending that he's NOT facilitating nazism, islamophobia, racism and everything else he claims to be against? Look at his headlines page and he, or some goon working for him, will post articles in favour and against Trump. So what does he stand for? Oh, he's impartial? So why the right wing twist to his work then? Why not welcome the left, the right, the middle, the everything?

I will not defend him anymore because I find his behaviour to be incongruent with the love and peace he trumpets about. Hating jews, muslims, blacks, foreigners, gays, women, immigrants and refugees is bullshit. ALL of it. However, on his forum, and on his facebook page, most of those groups are targeted. The offshoot FB forums are terrifying, thronging with white nazis. Yuck. They're so aggressive, will happily follow you around on FB, or attack you every time you post.

It's a bunch of redneck racist nazis expecting us to see everything through their ugly eyes. DI is happily boasting about being so successful right now, but what goes up, has to come down.

Either DI is blind or he fully supports the right wing bigoted view, I think the latter prevails.

Icke would of course deny the label just as would the Neo Nazi's and white surpremist on his forum do and have done for years, sanctum zone coined the term NaN's, Not a Nazi for the gutless wonder's.

So they're full on FBooking their agenda on Ickes FB page? I hope lot's of people see it.

The number of logged on peep's there in other parts of the world is as low as 9 people, the most was 27 but hover's around the 19 mark.



It's not just DIF. The facebook groups that support his work, or claim to do so are much the same. Those that I know anyway. Not everyone on there is like that of course, but you can't reason with those that are. They are very rude and loud - as dumb people usually are. They are deplorables, as Hillary calls them. I'm (to put it mildly) no fan of her, but she got that one right for sure.



Mockingjay wrote:

It's not just DIF. The facebook groups that support his work, or claim to do so are much the same. Those that I know anyway. Not everyone on there is like that of course, but you can't reason with those that are. They are very rude and loud - as dumb people usually are. They are deplorables, as Hillary calls them. I'm (to put it mildly) no fan of her, but she got that one right for sure.

The whole TM seems have gone the same way, there were of coarse nut's like Rense or Mankow who have always sideed with the far right, it's like there great message has infiltrated the msm social networks with even Trumpet spouting off with TM meme's.



IMO, D.Icke knows exactly what's going down on his forum even if it's just second hand info.

It would be very unusual for someone who has a forum with their name heading it to not show some sort of interest in it, it's one way for him to build a picture of where his followers heads are at. Maybe his son or the Mighty man of many names keep him informed.



Mockingjay wrote:

It's not just DIF. The facebook groups that support his work, or claim to do so are much the same. Those that I know anyway. Not everyone on there is like that of course, but you can't reason with those that are. They are very rude and loud - as dumb people usually are. They are deplorables, as Hillary calls them. I'm (to put it mildly) no fan of her, but she got that one right for sure.

Yep. As you know I was a admin on one of them.   It became a battle for me to keep up with those people who I believed  were nothing like a true DI supporter.  But then  once I see what was going on at DIF  I could not longer  say David Icke speaks my truth.  So I see it was me in the wrong place  not as I thought them in the wrong place.  But when I left all those David Icke supporters group and his own forum    my mood was suddenly lifted  and I knew I had been going the wrong way on my path.

Last edited by Kizzie (15th Feb 2017 07:58 am)



Kizzie wrote:

Mockingjay wrote:

    It's not just DIF. The facebook groups that support his work, or claim to do so are much the same. Those that I know anyway. Not everyone on there is like that of course, but you can't reason with those that are. They are very rude and loud - as dumb people usually are. They are deplorables, as Hillary calls them. I'm (to put it mildly) no fan of her, but she got that one right for sure.

Yep. As you know I was a admin on one of them.   It became a battle for me to keep up with those people who I believed  were nothing like a true DI supporter.  But then  once I see what was going on at DIF  I could not longer  say David Icke speaks my truth.  So I see it was me in the wrong place  not as I thought them in the wrong place.  But when I left all those David Icke supporters group and his own forum    my mood was suddenly lifted  and I knew I had been going to wrong way on my path.

You lost me there Kizzie, what do you mean you were an admin on one of them? You mean DI facebook?

It's funny how that happens to a lot of people, there must be something to it. If something like discussing your thought's and opinions in a online community can make you feel so down without really knowing it then there is something imo something evil about the DIF, a borg mind that sucks the love out of you.



Rolling Thunder wrote:

You lost me there Kizzie, what do you mean you were an admin on one of them? You mean DI facebook?

It's funny how that happens to a lot of people, there must be something to it. If something like discussing your thought's and opinions in a online community can make you feel so down without really knowing it then there is something imo something evil about the DIF, a borg mind that sucks the love out of you.

I was admin on the DI supporters group. All his family are on there and Jayme is also admin.  A friend of DI created the group. I had Garath and Jayme on my FB . 

It's strange how I thought I was part of something,  but now see it was stopping me moving forward.  All it does is keep you in the negative. Take yourself out of that and you see, it's not your job to wake people up, that happens in its own time. Your job is to bring as much light and laughter to people as you can. help those who are down or suffering.  Be the change, don't just talk about it.  I think it's done on purpose not sure if the Ickes are part of it or just being used.

It matters not how things were done (911 etc) just knowing is enough, stop arguing the toss on forums and groups. Know it and move on.


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