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Perpetuating Misogyny

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I'm definitely not a feminist. You won't find me naked in public, raging and hurling myself at Vladimir Putin. You won't find me hating men, or behaving like a moron and trying to divide the sexes even further.

You will however find me speaking out if someone is being treated badly, be they male or female. In my experience, women get treated differently to men. When a female politician fucks up, it's somehow really important to the media to note her biological sex and gender. Hmm, when Bush, Blair, Obama, Brown, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, Trudeau, Harper, Sarkozy, Hollande, Berlusconi and that idiot Trump etc. screwed up in multiple ways, nobody was going on about their biological sex/gender. Nobody said: Male politicians Bush and Blair wreak war and havoc on Iraq; Male politician Trump wants to curb abortion etc.

So why is it that when female/women do anything that's frowned upon, their biological sex/gender is immediately noted?

David Icke doesn't appear to have much sympathy for women, which isn't surprising. His main fan base consists of angry, aggressive white males, so his casual perpetuation of misogyny isn't surprising. The Independent Newspaper reported on the actions and thoughts of a US politician. Their headline: Female politician proposes law to fine men $100 for masturbating as 'act against an unborn child'. David Icke simply stuck the same headline on his headline-page. Or maybe it was Andrew Cheetham, whoever that is. No thought, no critical thinking, just copy and paste. However, seeing this kind of headline instantly got my back up....and then I saw that the Independent had 'started it'. David Icke/Andrew Cheetham continued it.

It doesn't take a lot of brain power to understand that someone's gender/biological sex is not linked to their mental stability or work...but the alt-right revels in hating women. They profile women the same way they profile races that are not white, muslims, gays, foreigners, immigrants, gypsies, refugees etc. Have a look at any article about women who have committed some kind of error, mistake, crime, faux pas, or come up with any kind of idea that involves men, and there's instant rage against WOMEN, not a woman, or the particular woman in question. Why? Women are constantly having moronic men in power tell them what to do, you don't find sane women raging about 'men'. Sane women rage about the policies and the individual person.

It turns out that she is trying to highlight the difficulties and strife women face from the state when it comes to their healthcare, and in particular their rights regarding abortion. It turns out that she has no hope of the bill ever passing, but is doing it as a means to illustrate how unbalanced and unfair the 'law' is when it comes to women. Oh well, nevermind, let's just hate women, so much easier. … 26441.html

Most of the rabid DI and Trump fanatics would not even be able to read the article, seeing as the headline is enough to get their blood boiling....

....Ms Farrar told "A lot of people find the bill funny. What's not funny are the obstacles that Texas women face every day, that were placed there by legislatures making it very difficult for them to access healthcare." reports:

Farrar does not expect, or even hope, the bill will pass. However, she hopes it will force her Republican colleagues to reexamine some of their laws on women’s healthcare in the Lone Star State, which is home to the highest maternal mortality rate in the country., like many other media/news sources, has become the home of the alt-right fascist nutcase movement....have a look at the comments from the nazi saints who never make mistakes, always know what's right from wrong, and loathe women. Disgusting or what....



You won't find any of these smug nazis ever donating or helping with the costs of even ONE baby, let alone all these nameless babies they are dreaming of 'saving'. Assholes. They're like the scum of the sewer telling the rest of the world how to live, and baying for blood. These are the same assholes who slag off women who have children without being married, or women who have many children without a husband etc. I'd hazard a guess that the majority of the nazis on there can't even dream of getting a woman pregnant i.e. get near a woman. The same goes for the female nazis on there, who hate their own gender/biological sex. Oh it's so easy....they're so thick, they actually think that only women having one-night stands get pregnant. They've not heard of the women in a relationship who get pregnant, and the man freaks out when she gets pregnant and disappears. Or the man has been arrested by one of the KKK cops, and the woman is left with no way to care for the baby. Or the man/woman who are having an affair, and the coming of the baby would destroy two families, and what of the children within both marriages? Or the woman who is 16 and way too young to have a baby, who was reckless? Or the woman who used the pill, but still got pregnant? These assholes must wear 50 condoms at once, when they ogle their Donald Trump posters. Nazi Saints...oxymoron infamy.



What are these neo nazi, these new Social Justice Warrior's on about? Clearly the Bill is satire showing the Hypocrisy of the law when it comes to women's right's. Do these Social Justice Warrior's not like change? To them keeping the status quo is their job as social Justice warrior's of the WWW. It's a big conspiracy of the Marxist to change culture of the western world and women are the main tool they use, if the NaN/SJW's are be to believed.

The ability of men to rule over women is how it should be, cause to change would be giving into the Cultural Marxist and these bleeding heart Progressive Liberal's.



Rolling Thunder wrote:

What are these neo nazi, these new Social Justice Warrior's on about? Clearly the Bill is satire showing the Hypocrisy of the law when it comes to women's right's. Do these Social Justice Warrior's not like change? To them keeping the status quo is their job as social Justice warrior's of the WWW. It's a big conspiracy of the Marxist to change culture of the western world and women are the main tool they use, if the NaN/SJW's are be to believed.

The ability of men to rule over women is how it should be, cause to change would be giving into the Cultural Marxist and these bleeding heart Progressive Liberal's.

I saw a photo on facebook of a group of white males sitting in a US government room, deciding on women's rights. It was taken from news reports about it. LOL, can you imagine the fevers which the nazis must have broken out  in, once the media and those in opposition, spoke out against it! These savages just want women and all who disagree to be zipped close. … mNiH34.jpg


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