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You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » Zhiba PMd me about 30 seconds before booting me out of the DIF

Zhiba PMd me about 30 seconds before booting me out of the DIF

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Oh sorry, he didn't boot my ass, he made me inactive. And the difference is?? Inactive looks better, doesn't make it apparent that the forum is run by nazi types. Inactive just looks like I went to sleep. Banned looks terminal, doesn't it.

Also, he's far worse when dealing with women, than when dealing with men. Men will break his balls, but with women, he's a catty wanker. He's done the same with Kizzie, played the really reasonable, really neutral guy, just trying to make peace, why can't we all get along shit.



This was the PM that moron sent to me before the one above. He's such a nice guy....not. He just plays mind games. As for his assertion that that dungeater named teabagger was trying to pacify the situation, there was no fucking situation. Jake Ball and I had buried our issues and parted on extremely good terms. JB can't debate to save his life, so it made sense to just be civil to him rather than to argue with him. He's not very bright, or eloquent.

Teabagger was being asked why she saw fit to abuser her pathetic 'power' that way? Why she was such a scumbag to me? But she got to get away with it, and instead that Gollum lookalike Zhiba rewrote history, just as that awful teabagger did....



so why exactly did Zhiba make your account innactive ?



VE wrote:

so why exactly did Zhiba make your account innactive ?

NO idea...

That's all the info he stated to me.

I did not ask to be made inactive. I wrote several times that I expect him to ban me, or one of his goons to ban me.

He didn't want me there stinking hte place up with my big gob, I assume. He likes to run a smooth ship, complete with his fucked up fake-shrink chats to those who step out of line. But then again, I thought I was such a good and valued member? Or maybe not? or maybe so? Which is the right version? Nobody knows!

He has banned or blocked so many people. If you search his names, you will see a lot of information online. :D :D He's been pissing people off for a very long time.

Search: the mighty zhiba; david icke zhiba, merlincove, david icke viviane, david icke kylo ren.



When Cosmic Tramp, being a dickhead, was trolling me....I complained about it. And that's after giving that moron exactly what he deserved. He didn't like it when I treated him as he treated me, weirdly!

Anyway, that vile liar Zhiba PMd me and told me that they don't tolerate abuse of their precious abusive mods. :D :D How does that work? His dear mods/forum assistant was trolling ME, not the other way around. I simply gave him a good taste of his own medicine. So why the hysteria at ME?

I will dig out that PM and stick it up here later. He just lies and lies, and then lies some more. And because he writes long posts, complete with atrocious spelling, it looks so genuine. It's not. He's a rat shit.

They treat women abhorrently there. If you're an airhead like elshaper, or a nazi type like teabagger and gutters, then you're okay. If you're all charming and flirty, then you're going to do well. If you have a mouth on you, and you basically come across like a geezer, then you're in trouble. Know your place! Zero-Iba has had relations with a few women on the forum too. Ugh. They must have been smoking something to find that Gollum lookalike attractive.


You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » Zhiba PMd me about 30 seconds before booting me out of the DIF