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Fascist Dictator
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The word ''haters'' for you lot is just code-word for somebody who speaks the truth outside of the Politically Correct animal farm. It's a meaningless word in that sense, and just a cheap tactic to try and silence the opinions of others. You know it, and so do most others. Including the mods over there. That's why they eventually got rid of a handful of you, it just became way too obvious what the game was.
You guys always made a bee-line towards attacking any members that weren't sufficiently beaten down by Political Correctness. Anybody for instance who had any Nationalist leanings you attacked, the same goes for anybody who questioned the official line re WWII, and so on and so forth. Basically anybody that wasn't a beaten down PC cabbage, you attacked and heckled. By design too. And you hid behind David Icke's ''infinite Love all else is illusion'' line to try and mask your own hatred.
I suspect you have an outside chance of being reinstated as a member over there now though, with the new anti-free speech laws the E.U are trying to push through and impose everywhere. I would imagine they could use another attack dog alongside paddy blake and vancity eagle. I mean at least next time around try and be a bit more subtle about it, ey, instead of coming across as a mad axe man in the woods towards anybody you disagree with.
Ironically it was your overly aggressive manner towards trying to thought police others that rang the alarm bells for many.. You really think shouting and yelling at other people is going to stop them from thinking for themselves. Think again, Sean, it actually had the opposite effect in most cases. That's basic human behavior.
Funny too how they also use exactly the same language and shtick as you guys use as ''justification'' of their new draconian anti-free speech laws. Not really, it's just further proof that all along you've been on board with the same program and agenda that they're trying to impose on the masses. Not that it wasn't already patently obvious before that.
Tyranny always masks itself behind a noble cause. That's exactly what you and the rest of the Politically Correct minions are doing, whether knowingly or otherwise. I suspect it's a bit of both, depending on the individual. Don't fool yourselves into thinking that increasing numbers of people can't see what you're doing though, and that those who can't quite see it yet aren't also waking up to it in ever increasing numbers. Hence why the Soviet E.U has to keep moving the goal posts to try and impose increasingly draconian anti-free speech laws... which in turn only serves to wake more people up to their tyranny in the long run.
There will always come a tipping point where tyranny drops it's own mask and doesn't care about it's image anymore. We're very nearly at that critical point and threshold in time...
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. – Marcus Aurelius
The word ''haters'' for you lot is just code-word for somebody who speaks the truth outside of the Politically Correct animal farm. It's a meaningless word in that sense, and just a cheap tactic to try and silence the opinions of others. You know it, and so do most others
How to spot a neo nazi Shill.
Hater's is a meaningless word to the Neo Nazi Resistance/Zorro/De Gothia world view, why because hate speaks the truth to this scum AND CALLING HIM/HER OUT ON HIS OWN UNCONSCIOUS BIAS ......damn caps lock...trigger's an overt emotional response to the exposing of his/her ego and deep seated view that has no empathetic consistency.