Waveofvomit is happily continuing with his white supremacy agenda on the nazi DIF. He was championing the words of Paul Craig Roberts. I used to like this guy. PCR that is, not that moron waveofturd. I was never aware of his white supremacist tendencies. When I saw that Waveofnazi of all people was celebrating his work, it made my radar go wild. I did some googling, and alas, the worst may be true.
Waveofnutcase had written in a thread titled: The Race War, in THE GLOBAL AWAKENING forum.
03-12-2016, 01:50 PM #43
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Its strange how the fake-left always speak of the need for 'diversity' yet they are so intent on destroying 'whiteness' which suggest that they are actually against diversity!It also seems that white people are to be made to feel as if they are dirty and that they should feel guilty for being white
It seems that all ethnic groups are to be allowed acceptance except for white people. When this is pointed out the PC brigade then say that only white people can be 'racist' therefore when racism is carried out against white people and they are told they should be removed that doesn't count as racism
This from davids headlines today:
New UN Chief to Europe: Ignore Voters, Open the Borders
Written by Alex Newman Thursday, 01 December 2016 07:00Incoming United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week urged European Union politicians and bureaucrats to ignore voters and open up their borders, claiming the growing Islamic tsunami of African and Middle Eastern immigration into the West was “inevitable” anyway. Critics were outraged. Speaking like a committed globalist, the Socialist UN boss also argued that “multi-ethnic,” “multi-religious,” and “multi-cultural” societies would be the only ones to succeed.
On a visit to Communist China this week, though, not a word was said by the new UN chief about the brutal regime's penchant for kidnapping savagely persecuted North Koreans and sending them back to be tortured and then murdered by the most barbarous totalitarian dictatorship on the planet. Instead, Guterres praised the communist tyrants in Beijing, currently engaged in what experts call the “cultural genocide” of Tibet, and encouraged the regime to continue pursuing its leadership role in what the UN refers to as “global governance.”
''We are living in an information field that we are decoding into this reality''- David Icke
and then:
25-01-2017, 09:48 PM #46
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Paul Craig Roberts says in a recent piece titled: ''are americans racist?'' that labour shortages in the southern states were first plugged with white prisoners but they did not have a resistance to malaria and diedThis lead to the exploitation of africans who were already being traded as war prisoners from african chiefs to arab traders on the coasts.
Roberts argues that modern narratives of the exploitation of africans being based upon racism are incorrect and that the reason was much more coldly logical then that namely that they were resistant to malaria and could survive in the southern states; this doesn't excuse the inhumane exploitation of slave labour but it does change the narrative to one that is less charged with hate (see for example recent hollywood films that try and push a certain narrative to encourage hate and feelings of righteous vengence)
He also argues that the modern narrative that the american civil war was fought to end slavery is false and that it was fought to hold the union together as the southern states were agricultural and the northern states were industrial
He says most of the men fighting for the southern confederates were not slave owners but farmers who were fighting not to protect the right of rich land owners to own slaves but rather to resist the encroachments of northern armies into the south which wanted to break off from the north
It does seem that very simplistic narratives have been woven in modern times no doubt by the players behind critical theory and cultural marxism to encourage the deepening of divisions in society in order to fracture and destroy western society
here's an excerpt from the article:
It is amazing how proud some Americans are of their ignorance and how quick they are to hate based on their ignorance. In America the level of public discourse is so far below the gutter level that a person who ventures forth to tell the truth can expect to be met with violent hatred and every epithet in the book. Criticize ever so slightly the Israeli government’s theft of Palestine, and the Israel Lobby will immediately brand you an “anti-semite,” that is, a hater of Jews who wants to send them to the gas chamber. If you don’t denounce whites, especially Southern whites, as racists, you are not only a racist but also a member of the KKK who wants to lynch blacks.
Yes, I know. It works also in the other direction. If you don’t hate the left, you are one of them. Because I criticized the George W. Bush regime for its war crimes, conservatives branded me a “pinko-liberal-commie” and ceased to publish my columns.
Hardly anyone, even southerners, understands that racism in the South originated in the horrors that were inflicted on the South during the Reconstruction era that followed the military defeat of the Confederacy. The North inflicted blacks on southerners in ways that harmed prospects for relations between the races and gave rise to the KKK as a resistance movement. As Reconstruction faded, so did the KKK. It was later revived as a shadow of its former self by poor whites who were ambitious for personal power.
The question remains: How can President Trump or anyone unite a country in which historical understanding is buried in myths, lies, and the teaching of hate?
Try to imagine the expressions of hatred and the denunciations that this factual article will bring to me.
If we care about humanity and the creatures on Earth, our task is to find and to speak the truth. That is what I endeavor to do.
When the left abandoned Marxism and the working class, the left died. It has no doctrine to sustain itself, just hatreds based on historical ignorance and misunderstanding of the limits within which life is lived. Humans are not superheros or magicians who can reconstruct humanity by waving a wand or smashing evil. Everyone lives within limitations, and the many submit more than do the few.
It is the few who fight against the limits to whom we owe the defense of our humanity.
It is the haters who are the barriers to moral and social progress.
''We are living in an information field that we are decoding into this reality''- David Icke
Last edited by iamawaveofthesea; 25-01-2017 at 09:53 PM.