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You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » "So When are the Trump Zombies going to admit they are wrong?"

"So When are the Trump Zombies going to admit they are wrong?"

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Bravo Vancity_Eagle, he's brilliant. He's been challenging the Trump zombies on that fascist forum, and as usual, they're in denial or upset. :D :D Have a look at WaveofTwat complaining about how "they" banned him, and how he's been trying to save humanity (using fascism and nazism) all this time, poor lamb.

It's located in Today's News, in the Trump sub-forum. Too many sub-forums, that used to irritate me sometimes.

David Icke's Official Forums > Main Forums > Today's News > Donald Trump & all things Trump Town




You are here » Summer Is Coming » Good, Bad and Ugly Conspiracy Forums/Researchers » "So When are the Trump Zombies going to admit they are wrong?"